Arbitration & Dispute Resolution


In the fast changing world economies,  Where the Covid-19 pandemic has affected a lot, where most of the Indian and International Courts/Tribunals are working with limited functionality or with reduced strength to the actual, resultant, tons of work load being added day by day and thus a long pendency, which is the biggest hurdle to the justice. 

     Alternative Dispute Resolution mechanism like Arbitration ( including.Ad-hoc, Institutional, Domestic, international, Online Arbitrations) Mediation(including Pre-Litigation Mediation, Pre-Arbitration Mediation) and Conciliation should be opted to resolve dispute with privacy, timely and effectively as these methods of the dispute resolutions are effective, efficient and expeditious methods of dispute resolution. From small business owners to big corporates, Arbitration is becoming preferred choice, as it has many advantages, some of these are as;

  •  Private Proceedings therefore the confidentially, privacy are maintained and therefore leakage of confidential information, trade secrete, crucial data are minimal.
  • Arbitration proceeding are expeditious and the parties are free to agree on the time frame in which the arbitration proceeding must be concluded. The time frame could also be mentioned in the Arbitration Clause/Agreement.

Our Services

We as a team of experienced and competent legal professionals provide the following services to our potential clients;

  • Advise & Draft the Arbitration Clause, Arbitration Agreement for the organisations/corporates and individuals, analysing the industry specific requirement, forecasting the possible litigation backed the extensive legal research.
  • Advise and represent potential clients including Organisations Corporates before the Sole Arbitrator or Arbitral Tribunal in various Arbitration Proceedings including Statutory Arbitration, Institutional Arbitration, Ad-hoc Arbitration and Private Arbitration. 
  • Advise and represent potential clients in Interim Measures issues, Initiation of Arbitration Proceedings, Appointment of Arbitrator/Constitution of Arbitral Tribunal by High Court and in various SLPs related to Arbitral disputes before the Supreme Court of India.
  • Advise on the issues of Misconduct of Arbitrator/Arbitral Tribunal, Reconstitution of Arbitral Tribunal, Challenge of  Interim Award and Final Award u/s 34 of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act,1996.
  • Advise and draft  appear in various Arbitration Proceedings, in Domestic as well as in International Arbitration, across various industries/sectors, across India and abroad.
  • Advise, Assist and represent individuals/organisation in the enforcement of Interim as well as Final Award. Further Assist and represent in the enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Award
  • Advise the potential clients on the complex issues like Public Policy in India,  Seat and Venue of Arbitration, Rules of Arbitration Proceedings, Arbitrator’s Appointment & Misconduct, Limitations, Setting aside awards, appeal, enforceability, Pre-Arbitration Mediation.
  • Advise and represent individual/organisations in various Mediation proceedings and assist them to their safeguard their rights and assist in settlement of the dispute among parties.
  • Advise, encourage and represent individuals and organisations in settlement of dispute through Pre-Litigation Mediation or Pre-Arbitration mediation, as the case may be.
  • Advise and Assist the individuals/organisations in the Informal Mediations and assist them and draft and prepare the settlement agreement/family arrangement etc.
  • Advise, Assist and represent private clients/organisations/Govt.entities/PSUs etc in the Domestic & International Arbitration, Ad-hoc and Institutional Arbitration, in Online Arbitration on various legal issues.  
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