Inheritance & Succession


Marriages are made in heaven but sometimes the matrimonial disputes and disputes related to custody arises. Though these are the painful moments but faster, amicable and cost effective resolution of these disputes certainly reduces the pan to the great extent. Our team of experienced and competent legal professionals put their best effort to resolve the disputes faster while the client’s interest should be kept at the most priority. We analyse the issues throughly, conduct a deep legal research, prepare best strategies sothat our client’s legal right could be enforced and the client’s interest could be protected. 

Though Divorce and Custody issues are really painful issues and therefore amicable and faster resolution could reduce the pain of it. It is also true that abusive and violent acts should not be ignored and appropriate actions must be taken against these issues.

Our Services

We as a team of experienced and competent legal professionals provide the following services to our potential clients;

  • Advise, Draft, File and Represent our clients in the S. 13B of HMA proceedings popularly known as (Divorce by Mutual Consent) Proceedings.
  • Advise, Draft, File and Represent our clients in divorce proceedings under Section 13 of Hindu Marriage Act, popularly known as (Contested Divorce) Proceedings.
  • Advise, Draft, File and Represent our clients in the  Restitution of Conjugal Rights, Void and Voidable Marriages proceedings under the Hindu Marriage Act.
  • Advise, Draft, File and Represent our clients in the Maintenance, Interim Maintenance issues u/s 125 CrPC and u/s 24 of Hindu Marriage Act.
  • Advise and Represent our clients on the issues related to Judicial Separation, Nullity of Marriage, Void and Voidable Marriages, Assessment of  Alimony, Full and Final Settlement Amount, Partition and disposing off the joint assets etc 
  • Advise and Represent our clients in the matters Special Marriage Act, Muslim Marriage etc.  
  • Advise and assist out client in filing the complaint u/s 498A IPC, Domestic Violence Complaint, Dowry Complaint etc before the appropriate authorities. 
  • Advise, Draft, File and Represent our clients in the Custody of Minors under Guardianship and Wards Act and Custody of children in divorce proceedings before various Courts.  
  • Advise and Represent our clients in  Mediation Proceedings and Pre-Litigation Mediation Proceedings.
  • Advise, Draft, File and Represent our clients in Transfer Petition before High Court to transfer the matrimonial disputes within State and Transfer Petition before Supreme Court of India to transfer matrimonial Dispute from one State to another State in India. 
  • Advise, Assist and Represent PIO and NRI clients in enforcement of  Foreign Award, Decree, Judgment etc in India, filing applications for exemption from physical appearance and representing them before various Courts/ Tribunals/Forums in India.

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